Many elements of the Active Travel Plan have subsequently been built as part of the Orange Cycling Town Project.
These works have included end of trip infrastructure, such as stabling, off and on-road route construction, as well as encouragement and behaviour-change elements such as promotional artwork, mapping and back of bus advertising.
A key project included the Southern Link Cycleway, which was highlighted as a key route to develop in the Active Travel Plan. The cycleway provides a link between Orange CBD, the hospital and the future employment precinct of south Orange.
Elements of the route were developed over time with assistance from the RMS and other funding bodies, but a vital component of the success of the route was the delivery of a tunnel under the main west rail line.
Other components of this project included a network of concrete cycle paths, numerous boardwalks over creeklines and rider support infrastructure such as seating, bubblers, the provision of shade through tree planting and wayfinding signage to deliver a high amenity path network.
sala4D worked with a team of consultants and stakeholders, managing the planning and built delivery of the plan.