The Orange Bike Plan 2012 nominated the Southern Link Cycleway as a key route to develop for active travel, connecting the Orange CBD to the hospital and the future employment precinct of south Orange.
Elements of the route were developed over time with assistance from the RMS and other funding bodies but a vital component of the success of the route was the delivery of a tunnel under the main west rail line.
To deliver the cycle route, sala4D worked closely with ARTC (John Holland) and James Sheahan Catholic High School to extend the route under the railway line, by building a tunnel, and establishing an easement through the school land.
This project forms part of the Cycle Town funded project which comprised of concrete cycle paths, numerous boardwalks over creeklines and rider support infrastructure such as seating, bubblers, the provision of shade through tree planting and wayfinding signage to deliver a high amenity path network.